Artificial Fertility Treatment
Pregnancy Pre-Planning

IUI – An Artificial Fertility Treatment

10 Mar
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Intrauterine insemination (IUI) and invitro fertilization (IVF) are the two most popular infertility therapies nowadays. However, these approaches differ greatly from one another.

What is IUI (Intrauterine Insemination)?

IUI, often known as ‘artificial insemination’ is a non-surgical, outpatient technique in which a physician inserts sperm from a male partner or sperm donor directly into a female patient's uterus. IUI improves a patient's chances of pregnancy by providing sperm a head start and ensuring insemination occurs at the time of ovulation and it's less expensive than IVF. 

Why does it Need?

Many different factors influence a couple's ability to become pregnant. Intrauterine insemination is most commonly used in couples who have :

Sperm from a donor: IUI is the most commonly used method for women who need donor sperm to become pregnant. Donor Sperm specimens are obtained from certified labs and thawed before IUI.

In the case of endometriosis-related infertility: Using medications to obtain a good-quality egg while performing IUI is frequently the first treatment approach.

Mild Male factor infertility(subfertility): One of the first steps in the medical evaluation of infertility is sperm analysis, which may reveal below-average sperm concentration, sperm motility, or abnormalities in sperm size and shape (morphology). Some of these issues can be overcome with IUI because preparing sperm for the procedure helps separate highly motile, normal sperm from those of lower quality.

Infertility that cannot be explained: IUI is frequently used as a first-line treatment for unexplained infertility, in conjunction with ovulation-inducing medications.

Infertility, caused by the cervical factor: The opening between the vagina and uterus is provided by the cervix, which is located at the lower end of the uterus. Around the time of ovulation, mucus produced by the cervix creates an ideal environment for sperm to travel from the vagina to the fallopian tubes.

However, if the cervical mucus is too thick, the sperm's journey may be hampered. The cervix may also block sperm from reaching the egg. Scarring from a biopsy or other procedures, for example, can cause the cervix to thicken. IUI works by removing the cervix and depositing sperm directly into the uterus, increasing the number of sperm available to meet the awaiting egg.

Infertility, caused by an ovulatory factor: IUI may also be used to treat infertility caused by ovulation issues, such as an absence of ovulation or a reduced number of eggs.

Allergy to sperm: An allergy to proteins in sperm can cause infertility in rare cases. When sperm enters the vagina, it causes redness, burning, and swelling where it comes into contact with the skin. A condom will not only protect you from the symptoms, but it will also prevent pregnancy. If your sensitivity is severe, IUI can be effective because many of the proteins in sperm are removed before insertion.

How do you Prepare?

Before the procedure, intrauterine insemination requires careful planning:

Getting the sperm sample ready: At the doctor's office, your partner provides a sperm sample, or a vial of frozen donor sperm can be thawed and prepared. Because non-sperm elements in sperm can cause reactions in the woman's body that interfere with fertilization, the sample will be washed in such a way that highly active, normal sperm is separated from lower-quality sperm and other elements. Using a small, highly concentrated sample of healthy sperm increases the likelihood of pregnancy. 

Do Ovulation Monitoring: Because the timing of IUI is critical, it is critical to watch for signs of impending ovulation. You could use an at-home urine ovulation predictor kit to detect when your body produces a surge or release of luteinizing hormone (LH) to accomplish this. Trans-vaginal ultrasound is another imaging method that allows your doctor to see your ovaries and egg growth. You may also be given an injection of human chorionic gonadotropin (HCG) or medications to induce the ovulation of one or more eggs at the appropriate time.

Choose the best time: Most IUIs are performed within a day or two of detecting ovulation. Your doctor or other health care provider will lay outa plan for the timing of your procedure and what to expect. 

During the Procedure

The doctor will tell you to put your legs into stirrups while lying on an examination table. A speculum is inserted into the vagina, similar to what you would experience during a Pap test. During the procedure, the doctor or nurse will do the following:

A vial containing a sample of healthy sperm, attached to the end of a long, thin, flexible tube (catheter), is inserted into the vagina, through the cervical opening, and then into the uterus. Then the sperm sample is pushed into the uterus via the tube.

In the end, doctor Removes the catheter, then the speculum.

After the Procedure

You should lie on your back for a few minutes after insemination. After the procedure, you can dress and resume your normal daily activities. You may experience some light spotting for a day or two following the procedure. 


Exercises During IUI Time

Many people who have had intrauterine insemination, or IUI, question if exercising following the operation may interfere with their ability to conceive. The solution is not obvious.

While there is no conclusive proof that light exercise will interfere with conception, many medical practitioners prefer to avoid caution and advise against high-impact or vigorous exercise for a few days after the operation.

So you should discuss with your doctor about safe fitness routines before beginning exercise following an IUI.

Workout After an IUI

According to the National Infertility Association, it is best to avoid rigorous exercise following an IUI because it can significantly increase your heart rate and body temperature. Pregnant women are recommended to keep their inner core body temperature below 102 degrees Fahrenheit or risk having a kid with birth problems. When walking after an IUI, take a leisurely rather than a power walk.

Last Words..

Everyone wants the process of conception to be natural. But when you are not getting results even after doing Ayurvedic, Homeopathy or all other treatments then IUI can be done happily. Please accept it before doing this process. And care for the following steps for better results.

  • Take supplements, medicines and injections regularly as prescribed by the doctor.
  • Take rest as advised.
  • Keep your diet healthy.
  • Do meditation regularly.
  • Do Pranayama after consulting a doctor.

Disclaimer: This blog is correct as per the writer’s knowledge. This is not a medical guidance. Follow as you are responsible for.

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