Bringing two lives into the world is a unique and exciting experience that comes with its own set of challenges and joys. In this blog, we’ll explore various aspects of twin pregnancy, from conception to postpartum, with simple and practical tips for twin parents.
Preparing for 2!!
Mothers need to be a little more cautious during twin pregnancy. During this time, the mother is responsible for not two but three people! Herself and the twins. Twin pregnancies require special attention and care.
Many women want to have twins, while others may feel uneasy. Don’t worry if you have been blessed with twins. Just take care of yourself for a healthy twin pregnancy.
Understanding Twin Pregnancy
There are two main types of twin pregnancies:
Identical (monozygotic): This happens when a single fertilized egg (zygote) splits into two embryos. Identical twins are usually of the same sex and have the same genetic material. They have the same placenta.
Fraternal (dizygotic): This happens when two separate eggs are fertilized by two different sperm. Fraternal twins may have different sexes. They have two placentas each.

Causes of Twin pregnancy
The main factors include:
- Genetics: A family history of twins, especially on the mother's side.
- Maternal Age: Women over the age of 30.
- Multiple Pregnancies: Women who have had more than one pregnancy.
- Assisted Reproductive Technologies (ART): The use of fertility treatments, such as in vitro fertilization (IVF), can increase the chances of twin pregnancy.
- Fertility drug use: use of fertility drugs can increase the chances of multifetal pregnancy.
Complications of Twin pregnancy

Fetal complications are:
- Premature birth
- Growth restriction
- Stillbirth / neonatal death
- Congenital abnormalities.
Maternal complications are:
- Weight gain
- Anemia
- Gestational hypertension/diabetes
- C-S delivery
- Miscarriage
- Postpartum hemorrhage
Caring for yourself and your twin
Many times, women become worried after seeing the size of their stomach during twin pregnancy. Do not compare your twin pregnancy journey with other pregnant women. Don't worry about your body's changes. If you have any questions, ask your doctor openly.
1. Nutrition and Diet

Many women think that they have to eat for three people, whereas this is not the case. During this time, women require only an additional 600 calories. Never think that 'whether both will be nourished or not!' This is a creation of nature; everything works properly. Eat fruits and vegetables five to seven times a day. Along with this, consume enough protein throughout the day; this will prevent you from having hypoglycemia and also do not forget to take sources of Folic acid, Calcium, Vitamin D and Iron.
Essential Nutrients: The diet for a twin pregnancy demands a substantial increase in various nutrients. Some essential nutrients are:

Folic Acid: This B vitamin is crucial for preventing neural tube defects in developing babies. Food rich in folic acid are green vegetables (broccoli, cabbage, spinach), legumes(lentils, chickpeas), peanuts, fruits(orange, grapefruit).
Iron: Twin pregnancies often come with an increased risk of iron-deficiency anemia. when iron supplements are taken with milk or milk products it causes gas, nausea/vomiting and may hinder with iron absorption. So avoid taking these supplements with milk or milk products.
Protein: Protein is essential for babies growth and the expansion of the mother's blood volume. Plant-based sources of protein are tofu, legumes (such as beans and lentils), and nuts.
Hydration: Adequate hydration is crucial during a twin pregnancy. Drinking plenty of water helps prevent dehydration and supports the maintenance of amniotic fluid levels. Avoid or limit caffeine intake, as excessive caffeine consumption has been associated with preterm birth.
Fiber-rich foods: During pregnancy, constipation can be a common problem. Consume high-fiber foods, like whole grains, fruits, and green vegetables.
2. Physical Activity

Be as active as you can. Do yoga-pranayama-exercise-walking slowly as per your body's capacity and according to the month of pregnancy. If there is any discomfort, then you can do yoga with 10–10 minutes intervals. The mind will also remain calm through yoga. Yoga is a gentle way to maintain fitness, which also helps with flexibility and muscle toning.
Never force or strain during any yoga pose or stretch, especially during movements that stretch your tummy muscles. You may have to modify some of your poses if you experience back or pelvic pain.
Don't do any movements that require you to lie flat on your back, especially after 16 weeks. These positions may lower your blood pressure and make you feel faint. Lying flat on your tummy isn't advisable for you either.
As long as you find it comfortable and are not suffering from pelvic or back pain, walking is very beneficial during pregnancy. It keeps you fit without jarring your knees and ankles.
Many times, some women are advised bed rest, so adhere to it and rest thoroughly.
But if there is no problem, then try your best to keep yourself active. This increases the flexibility of muscles, which benefits in back pain and the carrying weight of 2 babies.
3. Be careful while sitting, standing, and sleeping

In a normal pregnancy, women are advised to sleep on their side from the 20th week, but in twin pregnancy, it should be started from the 16th week itself.
The enlargement of the uterus puts pressure on the blood arteries, which prevents blood from reaching the heart, making you feel weak and tired.
Do not stand for more than half an hour from the 4th month onward. Sit down for a while after half an hour. And be careful whenever you bend; if possible, bend only by supporting your stomach with one hand.
4. Kegel exercise
Kegel exercise is the solution to avoid urinary problems during twin pregnancy. Pull the pelvic floor and your vagina inward. Hold for 5 to 10 seconds, then slowly relax. Do this 7 to 8 times together, and do this 3 to 5 times a day.
For Kegel exercise, your bladder should be completely empty; that is, do this exercise only after urinating. By giving such exercise to the muscles, you can get relief from urinary problems.
5. Postpartum Recovery
Be kind to yourself! Postpartum recovery is not overnight; no matter what you do, it requires T-I-M-E.
Drink lots of water, eat healthy, and keep your protein intake high. Don’t forget the importance of protein. The healing process is fastened by proper protein intake. It also boosts breastmilk production. Balance plenty of rest with getting up and moving. Of course, your body needs to rest in order to recover. But it also needs to move in order to recover!!
6. Lean on Family and Friends
If someone wants to come forward and help you, then do not refuse them. Their help should be accepted.
If your husband, any relative, neighbor, or friend wants to help you in any way—like with household chores, cooking, or any other help—then do not refuse them. If you have such a helpful person in mind, then don't shy away from taking help from them.
7. Twin baby care
Balancing the demands of caring for 2 infants is hard enough. Make it easier by keeping both babies on same schedule.
Keep a routine and a schedule for everything. Keep the twins on the same feeding and same sleeping schedule.
Learn to double-feed. It would take a few days for the three of you to master double feed.

Be Prepared for any Type of Situation
Coping with common discomforts like back pain and sleep disturbances. Coping with high emotions and anxiety. Spotting is common in twin pregnancies. Morning sickness is worse with twin pregnancies. Be calm and relaxed. Understand the birthing process and prepare yourself accordingly. Labor and delivery may come early.
The chances of cesarean delivery increase in twin pregnancies. Delivery may happen a few days or even a few weeks before the due date. Whatever rituals you have at home, like baby showers, etc; try to perform them well in advance. Apart from this, complete the preparations related to the arrival of the child as soon as possible.
Many women want twin babies, but don’t stress too much if you conceive a single pregnancy. Having a twin pregnancy requires a lot of effort, power, and strength, both mentally and physically. So always be prepared for whatever nature has in store for you!!
By keeping all these things in mind, you will be able to take good care of the twins growing in your womb.
Disclaimer: This blog is correct as per the writer’s knowledge. This is not a medical guidance. Follow as you are responsible for.